Interview 7 Tom Atkins


My interviews with authors around the world.

Interview Tom Atkins   Author Interview 10th Feb 2021

He is the author of a memoir ‘Africa Beckons’ where he starts his life-changing journey with just five pounds in his pocket.

If you wish to learn more about Tom and his book, please visit his website,

Hello Tom

Me – My first question is,

Which aspect of the writing process do you enjoy the most? And why?

Tom - As the well-known song ‘My Memory’ states, writing from the very beginning of the memory, how it came about, without thought of grammar, punctuation style, just letting my mind and writing flow as I remember it.

Me – This sounds like my first draft style, too.

What distracts you when you are in writing flow? Is there anything you do to counter this?

Tom - The Telephone, someone at the door, food being ready to eat, or my dog wanting attention. I ignore it when I can, except the dog, he just needs a pat. Then hopefully someone else, (the wife), deals with it. Writing is a selfish art.

Me – You are a more focused writer than I am if you can ignore all those happenings.

With so many memories and adventures how did you choose where to start your memoir?

Tom – I start as close to the beginning as I can but it needs a twist to make it as interesting as I can to others.

Me – That’s good advice as sometimes the beginning of a life change can be small, almost insignificant, so finding the more exciting incident to begin with makes sense.

How did you choose what to put in the book and what to leave out?

Tom - Where possible, I choose to write about parts I believe would interest others and I believe are important to the story-however painful or shocking or humorous they may be.

Me – I expect there were moment you’d have rather not shared but if they are important for the story flow then I guess there is not a choice.

What was the most difficult memory to write about?

Tom - Personal loss, personal feelings, personal pain, ongoing effects to personal life.

Me – That’s the problem with a memoir, it is personal and can be painful to admit feelings. Will you write another book? And if so, will it be another memoir?

Tom - Yes, I’ve already started, but I only write if I believe it would be of interest to my family and other readers. I write for enjoyment, but it is for the enjoyment of others.

Me – Bringing enjoyment into other’s lives is a great reason for writing.

Can you share any writing advice for other budding memoirists?

Tom - Just do it, believe in what you are doing, and stick with it, make it happen.

Me – Good advice, stop the procrastinating that inflicts so many of us.

 What has been the most satisfying moment in your writing career?

Tom - Completing the book, publication, seeing it in print, and, most of all, readers telling me how much they have enjoyed it.

Me – Yes, feedback from readers, especially when it is positive has to be a writer’s elixir. Did you discover anything about yourself as you wrote the book?

Tom - Yes, an awful lot, for a long time I had buried this experience without mentioning it, in some ways it was a cleansing of the soul even if the events changed my life for the better. Telling others part of the story at a dinner party with the liberal helpings of alcohol, led them to encourage/insist I write about it. Now, the stories, and my own failings are out there. I see what happened in a completely different way. Now, I am proud of what I did, and to relate it-warts and all.

Me – It is interesting that buried memories once aired free us to be ourselves more.

This last question is purely because I’m curious as to how author’s kickstart their brains and fuel their writing.  What do you like to eat for breakfast?

Tom - My breakfast is seasonal, Winter- Porridge and Honey. Summer- Muesli and blueberries. Without fail.

Me – Yum, especially the honey and blueberries part!

Thank you, Tom. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you.

If you’d like to know more about Tom Atkins please visit his


And check out his book on amazon 

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