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FICTION AUTHOR’S KITLIST  18th April 2021   Podcast Version >>

Everything you need to be a fiction author…in no particular order.


Lots of them, in different shapes and sizes. You really need to develop an obsession and soon you will have a sixth sense for a bargain priced notebook or an extra special one that is so beautiful you probably won’t ever use it. Needed for ideas, notes from courses, notes from listening to podcasts or reading blogs, although be aware you may not be able to find these notes again, but for me the process of writing ideas and concepts down helps my brain to hold onto them. 


Even if you type your stories you need pens to be a proper author. You also need them so you can justify buying all these notepads! And when they run out, if it is a pretty pen, keep it, they look great in a pot or scattered on the top of a bookcase. Also useful for making notes while editing, collecting research, writing the character’s names or place names so when you forget them you have an easy cheat sheet to remind you. 

A Notice Board

You could have a pin board but if you are like me and walk around in socks a magnetic board is preferable to holes in your feet.

These boards are versatile, use them to plan stories, sort scenes, pin up lists of – inspirational quotes, things to do, ideas, how-to lists for different online writer’s tools and a calendar if you have deadlines to meet, self-imposed or otherwise. Most of these pieces of paper will blend into the background and you’ll forget they are there until you write another one with the same information on it, but they look good and do keep piles of paper from growing on your table and floor.


The mighty stick-it that comes in every bright colour, size and shape you can image to capture your attention so the important things like – have a shower, go for a walk, drink, and talk to another human are not forgotten.

An Electronic Device

Such as a laptop, computer, ipad etc This is essential even if you write your stories in those glorious notepads using your shiny pens or if you enjoy the nostalgic clacking of a typewriter, you still need one of these. You can use it to type your wonderful ideas, rewrite your crappy first draft to make a wonderful story, copy and send it to someone who will tear it to pieces, rewrite it again, edit it a thousand times before sending it to an editor who finds more mistakes and problems in one sweep than you did in ten, rewrite and then if you are indie the game of formatting and publishing begins. This device is also essential for stress release as you can shout and swear at it and, as long as you are not recording an audio version of your book, it will forgive you.

I have a HP laptop and I love it.


I cannot recommend this product highly enough, but it is in short supply so be quick to grab some when you see it. Needed when you can’t find the time to write, the ideas are not flowing, your manuscript is out with beta readers, your internet is playing peek-a-boo, your manuscript is with an editor, someone is designing you a cover, your computer is on a go slow, your manuscript is with a publisher or a publishing site, the book stores are reluctant to show the thousands of reviews your book surely has in the first few days of being published, your computer appears to have eaten your story, you’ve run out of chocolate and the shops are shut, or when your brain won’t connect with your fingers.

A Block

These come in various sizes and are made from different materials. I recommend a beautiful wooden one,  so it is aesthetically pleasing as well as practical. Essential for holding a door open, stubbing the toe of anyone who dares to come close enough to disturb you, weighing down notebooks when it’s windy and the door is open, throwing when you’ve run out of patience, and for holding in your hand and declaring ‘I have writer’s block,’ when you don’t really don’t feel like writing or your publisher is demanding where the next book in the series is. 

A Muse

This is the most elusive item in you kit, in fact, you’ll have more luck finding a unicorn. But don’t despair the essence of a muse can be found in snatches of conversation, nature, observing people, reading a book, visiting a museum, wandering a graveyard, social media, personal life experience, watching TV, listening to music, dreams and nightmares, fears and worries, hopes and wishes, love, death, birth and our wonderful complex brains. 

A Writing Space

What this looks like depends on your personality, but all authors need a place. It helps the brain to switch into writing mode. And it genuinely works. Since I’ve had a writing hut in the garden my writing output has increased dramatically.

Spending money on a space does tend to mean you have to use it.

I know some people like to write in a café, but if you watch them carefully, they generally choose the same café or the same table each time. There are writers who write in bed, or at the kitchen table. It doesn’t matter where but if you write in that space often enough then you will write in that space.  


A home for all your writing essentials like published books, pens and notepads (empty, full and with one sentence in) cuddly toys, flash fiction story cubes, tarot cards, inspirational quotes, pictures, books about writing, a story catcher blog-5---catching-stories and anything that makes you happy.

New Furniture

A table or laptop table if you like to wite in bed.

An optional stand-up desk to give your backside a break.

A chair that is supportive and encourages you to sit in the optimal position for a healthy body, but not too comfortable. A numb backside, tingling legs or feet, aching arms etc after a couple of hours are the author’s friend, forcing you to stand, stretch, or walk.

Automatic Refilling Cup

These are fantastic especially when they come with your beverage of choice, hot or cold and a gentle reminder that you do need to drink it. I use a flask and a small coffee cup which means I do tend to drink some of my hot drink while it is still hot. And the bonus is by the time the flask is empty I need the loo. Perfect reminder for a stretch and exercise time.  

Chocolate or your Preferred Bribe

The best scientists in the world agree that explaining quantum physics to a five year old is easier then explaining why authors are reluctant to sit and write even though doing makes them feel great, therefore it is best to have a stash of bribes or rewards on hand


An essential part of the kit.

Books piled in towering books to read piles, because you have to love reading books to love writing books. Even if some of those other authors are too good at it and you wish you’d thought of their brilliant plot first.

Books on writing. Even though every author has their own process, it’s important to learn about the amazing variety of plotting, pantsing, routine, research, best time of the day or night to write, best place to write etc. Then you can try things out and adopt, adapt or discared them until your process is the magic writing formula for you. 

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