Blog 58 What The World Needs


Some words of wisdom

What The World Needs  26th Dec 2021   Podcast Version>>



A human emotion of positive dreams,

Difficult to cling onto when the whole world quivers,

A pandemic, climate change, accelerated loss of earth’s creatures,

Despair hovers like an ominous storm cloud.


An uplifting emotion of positive thoughts,

Hard to find when personal worlds are shaken,

Health issues abundant, visits to loved ones impossible,

Tears and fears overwhelming, hearts breaking over and over,

Grief engulfing the world like a tsunami.


A deep emotion of positive strength,

Impossible to accept when doom and gloom surrounds us,

Computers, Televisions, Phones, Tablets, Newspapers, Gossip,

What we knew as normal has vanished and we are stripped of control, choices, and freedom,

The storm grows ever closer, and the skies darken,

No amount of vitamin D can stem the tide of depression.


A bright emotion of positive power,

Buried deep within our souls, under layers of emotional trauma,

Waiting for us to give it permission to shine, to illuminate our strength to endure,

To remind us of our power to change, to problem solve, and know we can make a difference,

To learn from our experiences, and not borrow trouble from a future we do not know.


A strong emotion of positive love,

Easy to find when the sun shines, a baby is born, a smile is freely given, a hug is received,

A bird flies past, a spider web glistens, frost crystals grow, a child’s laughter tickles the air,

With it we can embrace a new way of living, a gentler touch, acknowledge our freedom to change,


An incredible emotion of positive reality.

Find it and enjoy life.

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